
RMNP Meadows Streams “Small but Mighty”

Friday morning, April 13th, the sun rose fairly bright and welcomed seven intrepid chapter anglers who gathered at the Loveland K-Mart parking lot. The weather looked really nice despite forecasts that a major front was to move in later that evening. We jumped into our cars and drove straight to the Fern Lake trailhead at the far end of RMNP's Moraine Park. Occasional charred grass spots were visible as we drove along the valley bottom, and when we reached the trailhead all of the familiar, dense willows were either completely burned off or remained only as sparse, black branches.


Before we were all wadered up it had become apparent that the weather front's incoming route was directly through Forest Canyon and across Moraine Park. But we decided to hit the water despite what felt like 25-30 mph wind bursts. Though still somewhat thin, the water was a bit higher than some of us had expected, and pristine, allaying concerns of what damage the recent fires may have caused. Hopefully this spring's runoff won't siltify the meadow's channel. 
The fish could be seen enjoying the warming sun and not a bit bothered by the winds, and of course most of us experienced our share of wind knots and brush hang-ups. But the fish were active and a few of them were agreeable to take our nymphs and even a few dries. Little guys, sure, but there's nothing prettier than an early spring brookie, 'bow or brownie.

—by Dennis Cook
Contact: Mark Miller or sign up at our monthly meeting,where we will circulate a clipboard for all to see.